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AI SaaS Startup 寻研发实习生和社群运营实习生

seven li

与北美大厂 Engineers 一同参与,结合 LLM 来为开发人员提供 AI Powered Dev Tool,打造 AI Software Engineer。目前共有 2 个岗位:Software Development Engineer Intern 和 Content Marketer Intern.


  • 与有丰富行业经验的 Engineer 一起解决各种有挑战性,前沿性的技术问题

  • 积累真实的行业开发经验,为自己的简历添砖加瓦,不仅收获实习经验,同时收获开发社区的认可

  • 北美同学可 Remote,支持学校 Coop 项目

  • 提供实习之后简历上的帮助,以及给力的 reference,甚至给力的内推机会

虽然项目已进入 Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub 和 AWS Startup Program,但目前只能提供 unpaid 的岗位。之前有 hosted 过 UT, Waterloo 的 Coop,都有非常不错的反馈,部分同学在随后的求职中,也有拿到大厂 Offer。

Software Development Engineer Intern


  • Build web applications/services using Typescript, React, Next.js and Node.js.

  • Deploy and run solutions leveraging AWS & Azure Cloud infrastructure and technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, and Postgres.

  • Develop APIs and integrations.

  • Implement best practices for design and coding using agile development practices.

  • Resolve support requests on a day-to-day basis.


  • Prior Programming Experience, including Javascript, Java, Python etc.

  • (Optional) Experience with Javascript, React, Next.js, and SQL.

  • Good understanding of software development best practices such as source version control, automated unit testing, code reviews, CI/CD, etc.

  • Flexible and focussed on solutions

Content Marketer Intern


  • Create high quality content pieces about our platform and other engineering topics (newsletter, State of Open Source Codebase, etc.).

  • Increase in signups from organic sources (e.g. people seeing and sharing our content).

  • Help write other content that increases user activation and production adoption (e.g. onboarding emails).

  • Write content that resonates with engineers (e.g. on HN/reddit) on a regular cadence.

  • Help position our platform as a strong, well known engineering brand.


  • You have previously written content on a regular basis following a cadence (blog, newsletter, or similar).

  • You love writing, and you write engaging and interesting content that people enjoy reading.

  • You are a team player that is able to collaborate with team members across product, engineering, sales, and marketing.


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